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Is Your Old HVAC Unit Costing You Money?

Apr 11, 2023

Upgrade Your Old HVAC Unit and Save on Utility Bills

Are you still using an outdated HVAC system in your home or office? If so, you could be spending more money than necessary on energy bills. In this blog post, we'll discuss the importance of replacing old HVAC units with modern, high efficiency models. We'll also provide tips and advice to help you save money on utility bills by upgrading your old unit.

When it comes to heating and cooling your home or office, having an efficient HVAC system is essential. Older systems are often inefficient and can cost you more money in the long run due to increased energy usage. Not only that, but they may not be able to keep up with the demands of a larger space or extreme weather conditions. By investing in a new HVAC unit, you can save money on utility bills while also ensuring that your space is comfortable all year round.

When selecting a new HVAC system for your home or office, it's important to consider factors such as size, energy efficiency rating (EER), and installation costs. The size of the unit should be appropriate for the size of the space you're trying to heat or cool; otherwise it won't be able to perform optimally. Additionally, look for units with higher EER ratings as these will use less energy and cost less to operate over time. Finally, make sure to factor in installation costs when budgeting for a new system as this can add up quickly depending on the complexity of the job.

Once you've selected a new HVAC unit for your home or office, there are several steps you can take to ensure optimal performance and energy efficiency:

  • Change air filters regularly: Dirty air filters can reduce airflow and cause your system to work harder than necessary; replace them every 1-3 months depending on usage levels.

  • Schedule regular maintenance: Have an experienced technician inspect and service your system at least once a year; this will help identify any potential issues before they become costly repairs down the line.

  • Invest in smart thermostats: Smart thermostats allow you to control temperature settings remotely via an app; they also come equipped with features such as geofencing which automatically adjust temperatures based on occupancy levels in order to save energy when no one is home.

Upgrading your old HVAC unit is one of the best ways to save money on utility bills while also ensuring that your space remains comfortable all year round. If you're looking for an experienced contractor who can help with installation and maintenance services, look no further than Sumner & Sons Heating & Cooling!

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